Everyone Needs To Stop And Listen To Bill Burr Talk Honestly About Soccer And The World Cup

Especially the first couple minutes. BOOM! Taste it, world. Probably the most honest and concise American view on soccer out there. Sure, a lot of people don’t enjoy the non-action but at least most respect the game. We just don’t enjoy the flopping pussiness of everything. That on top of solely wanting to win because we can shove it into the face of every country who actually cares about it is as accurate as it gets. “It would be great to see the world hate us for winning something we don’t give a fuck about. Like a rich hot chick getting a Bentley for her 16th birthday.” Couldn’t be more true. The people of Ghana can sob while squatting over their holes asking God why the US is allowed to have both the World Cup and electricity. Life just isn’t fair.


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